Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Some Passion Pit Comments

Even though the Passion Pit Poll ended more than a week ago, I continue to get some interesting comments. For instance, I forgot that Harrison School was a low rent passion pit if you didn't have wheels. But what were we thinking? It was dark, scary and kinda creepy. But here's what one classmate wrote: "Harrison School should have been listed as one of the favorite spots to 'park.' Maybe we didn't go there in our cars, but many of us used the alcoved doorways to make out during or after a school dance!!! (Right Billy?) LOLOLOL." For the record, I have no idea who Billy is, but I'd love to find out.

And another female classmate came up with another favorite passionate pit....and she sounds like she must have been a very naughty co-ed at the time. She writes: "It was Sleepy Hollow, Plainfield - because the cool guys were in Plainfield - dangerous and knew how to buy beer!!!"

Washington Rock State Park (above) wasn't bad either, because the fast chicks lived in Watchung and they knew how to score Mexican herbs in The Village. At least that's what the Plainfield guys told me.

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