This is the first of several dispatches that I'll post over the next week about the 15th annual North Plainfield High Alumni Hall of Fame Induction and Awards Ceremony. It was held Saturday, Oct. 3, at the Italian American Club on Somerset Street.
Five NPHS graduates were inducted, but -- and this is truly no slur against the other four -- what drove me to drive from Manhattan to North Plainfield was to honor the memory of Ethel Abrams. She was one of those teachers who helped me find my North Star. Simple as that. Her sister-in-law Carol Pines attended, as did one of her oldest friends, Ruth Shapack, who flew in from North Carolina with Claire Cox (I'm using maiden names here). I'll have photos later in the week.
Beverly Gaston Kochard, NPHS Class of 1969, was also inducted. That's her in the red dress (uh....lots of red dresses....I guess someone sent a memo out earlier in the week) walking to the podium after Dick McKenna (yep....that Dick McKenna) reeled off her accomplishments. Quite impressive. She didn't pick up those skills in NPHS shop class that's for sure. Look for McKenna photos later in the week plus a video clip of his speech.
Some of our classmates were in attendance as you can see from the picture above with Lorraine, Gerry, Claire (class of 70 snuck in there....have to speak to Homeland Security about that) and Adrienne. Class of 1970 was also represented by Maria Mijares and Carl Delgyer. Pictures to come. Stay tuned for more.
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